Can a Pharma company give a grant to a medical education company creating a module on a disease area and specific therapy class the pharma company has a product in?
1 year ago
Would it be appropriate to sign off a grant for a medical education company that is producing a module for HCPs on a complex disease area focussing on a specific treatment class as that is the only one available for the disease, where the pharma company has a product in that class?
Similar to many questions in the medical affairs and pharmaceutical field, it really depends on the detail
Pharmaceutical companies can, and many do. award grants for medical education
Do refer to the APBI code for details. In general make sure your criteria is listed clearly for how the grants are judged and awarded and that the company’s only involvement is providing the funding, ie, the pharma company must not have any input into the project or content in any way, and the request for the grant should be unsolicited
The company also needs to consider if they fund profit making organisations or not?
If a company wishes to work with external providers. there are ways to do so but it would not then be classified as a grant